Reset Your Day to Boost Your Mood Now

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.

Wake up with intention.

It all begins with you. Have you heard the saying “everywhere you go, there you are?” This statement should serve as reminder to take good care of ourselves first. Otherwise we run the risk of taking the worst version of ourselves everywhere we go. Whether you jump out of the bed eager to get the day started, or drag yourself to the coffeemaker desperate for the safety of your second cup before the entertaining chatter, you are always there. So instead of giving you 3 Easy Steps, I want to ask you to consider yourself first. I know, you have long list of BUTS that explains why this seems impossible, unnatural or impractical even, however I challenge you to hear me out.

What could your day look like if this first conversation of the day began with an offering of kindness? Maybe you’ve been wanting to finally launch that business or just tackle your to-do list. Or you simply want to get through your day making good choices. Whatever the task for the day, it always begins with you. Before anyone else says anything, you can hear your own thoughts or “ inner talk” first.

A morning check-in can be a time to offer yourself affirmations. I often encourage the individuals I meet with to check in with themselves each morning to find out what they need for their day. This can sound like: “I make good decisions and take good care of myself” to “I am worthy of love and respect.” As you affirm yourself, offering yourself the kindness you need, you may find that you can begin to trust yourself more. You may find that your expectations of others becomes more balanced. As you look yourself in the eyes at the mirror and sharing kind words of encouragement with yourself, your whole mood can begin to shift before you even leave your bedroom!

What if you could start your day with a relaxed and peaceful state of mind, would your overall mood be lifted? My best guess is absolutely. Now, can you remember the last time you tried a moment of reflection or meditation? Was it yoga class?? OK, that’s fair. I admit its not all Zen and rainbows right now in the middle of pandemic that’s been hanging on for what feels like forever. But there’s help wherever you download your apps. There are so many apps (and podcasts too!) available that can guide you in mindful meditation. I have personally really liked the Calm app and ThinkUp.

When intentionally choosing mindfulness, you can take notice of any negative “inner talk” that wants to cloud your thoughts and discourage you about your plans or your long term goals. If there are negative thoughts popping up, don’t worry about pushing them away, instead mindfully observe them, describe for yourself what they feel like without judgement, and then as you are able choose to let the thought go in order to focus the present moment and body sensations. If mindfulness is too new age, how about busting up those motivation draining thoughts with a bit of a challenge. Grab a pen and paper and take those thoughts to trial by searching for evidence in support of these thoughts and the counter evidence against them. Also challenge the rationality of the thoughts. Hopefully, by this time, you have (at minimum) realized that the unhelpful thoughts have been raining on your parade and skewed your perspective on many of your situations!

So you say you’re a writer? Well, grab that journal because it’s time to start your gratitude journaling season. A quick way to jump start this practice is by writing 3 things you were thankful for in your day at the end of each day. Or what about a quick check in with the journal to set your self-care intentions for the day? This activity helps to set your mind with intention to make space for your care and your needs in each day. Planning 15 minutes of yoga? Write it down. 5 minutes of meditation. Write it down. 30 minute walk? You know what to do. Attending your therapy session today? A whole hour of fully focused on your care and support? (Way to go, what a kindness to yourself!) Write down what you plan to talk about today. Planning to call a friend to check in with them? That’s self care for you and care for them. Winners all around!! By the way, did you happen to catch all of the self care suggestions offered that you could nestle into a journal entry?

Self-care is an amazing mood boosting way to start your day! And I don’t want to start banging the drum on this one, but did you know you could start your day feeling excessively relaxed and happy? There is a natural endorphin release that occurs after 30 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise often called a “runner’s high.” What this means is if you start your day with this type of exercise, you’ve earned yourself a natural “high” feeling that last for 2-3 hours, a reduction in stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol), and a reduction in the sensation of pain according to researchers at the Mayo Clinic.

Finally, offer yourself grace to be perfectly imperfect. Each day starts anew. Trying even one of these activities each morning will offer a little boost to your mood, so if you happen to be an overachiever, everyday can be a Zen day. Whether these activities are your cup of tea or not, take advantage of each new day as a fresh opportunity to take good care of yourself and others!

Not sure where to begin? Wondering if therapy is right for you? Book a free 15 min consultation or Schedule an appointment now.


A Beginners Guide to Meditation